Hi everyone! Happy Fear Monster Friday!
This week, George and I were having a discussion about what I really want. And he likes to play "the confusion game" whenever my heart really wants something. He likes to pretend not to know what it is I want. (And the more my heart wants something, the more he likes to play this game!)
I'm sure everyone has been guilty of this from time to time, and...
Well, the new year is here, and with that come new resolutions. One of mine was to get the comic done and posted every week by 7am pacific time on Friday. As you can tell, I've already buggered that up.
George would like you to know that we had a perfectly reasonable excuse! You see, I've injured my right wrist, and I'm right-handed. "It hurts every time I move my wrist" certainly seemed like...
Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great Christmas!
This week, I was thinking about next year, and what I want to do to better help other people, and George chimed in, "Why? What difference does it make? You could just watch Orange is the New Black on Netflix, and no one would ever notice the difference."
Maybe... but then again, maybe not.
I've noticed that the most convincing argument most...
George and I wish you a very happy holiday season!
(There's no real "lesson" today, just silliness! Hope that's okay!)
Sending you all a big hug and lots of love,
Hi everyone! Happy Fear Monster Friday!
Some of you may have noticed that I didn't get a comic for last week done. After getting back from Bali, jet lag kicked my butt! I was asleep for about four days straight. I really wanted to draw the comic, but I was physically incapable of it.
And then of course George was pretty upset that I messed up my "perfect attendance record." For a year, I've...
Hi everyone! Happy Fear Monster.... Saturday? Doesn't have the same ring to it, but better late than never! I got sucked into the time vortex that is Bali and lost track of what day it was. (I've also been focused on finishing my book! So close!)
Anyway, this week I've been thinking a lot about the two major different kinds of fear: the fear that keeps you alive, and the fear that keeps you...
Hi everyone! Happy "fear monster Friday!"
The word of the week for me this week was vulnerability. And since I am in Bali writing my graphic novel, I decided to pay homage to my favorite graphic novel, V for Vendetta! (That seriously took me four hours to write, so even if you don't get the reference, appreciate the alliteration!)
I'm with a bunch of other amazing writers, and I've been...
Hi everyone! Happy "fear monster Friday!"
Forewarned is forearmed: Some NSFW language follows....
George had a tough week this week. I freakin' love Bali, but it has this magic to it that just brings up ALL of your shit (so you can heal it). I think I wasn't quite fully prepared for it.
I'm writing my book here, and it's a comic book version of my story -- but it's real. It's raw. It's super...
Hello and happy Fear Monster Friday from beautiful Bali!
This week, as I was getting ready to fly to Bali for a writer's retreat, I found myself a little bit overwhelmed with all of the things I had to get done before getting on the plane. There was a lot to do! I got it all done! But while I was doing it, I was trying really hard to notice the difference between HAVING stress and BEING...
Hi everyone! Happy Halloween (and Fear Monster Friday)!
I hope you like today's comic! I was just aiming to be silly, not really thinking of any "moral of the story" in particular, but then once I drew George it occurred to me -- that if you're trying to be like everybody else, you may find yourself looking totally ridiculous.
I mean, he's a monster! He already has the perfect Halloween...
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