Your fear monster's job is to keep you safe. The thing is though, some of them can go a little overboard with the safety patrol.
When you have something you really, really want, like chasing after your dream, or finally asking out that girl or guy you've had your eye on, all the fear monster knows how to do is come up with reasons why it won't work out.
It's not your fear monster's fault! They...
Have you asked yourself the question recently, "what the hell is wrong with me?" And more importantly, did beating yourself up actually fix anything? It never does for me.
That's just your fear monster talking.
What I've found, though, is that getting down on yourself doesn't help matters. In fact, usually that makes it worse.
Think about all of the things you've said to yourself in the last...
Why do fear monsters have such a hard time just accepting a compliment? I don't know about your fear monster, but George has a tendency to try to downplay or brush off a compliment, especially when it's something he's already insecure about.
George will analyze a compliment to death sometimes! Like the one in the comic today, he would freak out and wonder "Why didn't he say it was good? If he...
The "what if" game can get out of control so quickly, can't it?
Do you ever have one of those "fear monster attacks" where your mind just goes into hyper overdrive about all the possible things that could go wrong? I do. I don't know about you but sometimes when George really gets going, he's afraid of both things going wrong and things going right! (Perhaps a subject for a future...
Happy new year!! Like most people, you're probably looking ahead and thinking about what you'd like to change this year, but . . . Do you make the same resolution every year?
If so, maybe what’s preventing a real, lasting change in your life is where the motivation is coming from to change. If you make a change because of a date on a calendar, or because someone else told you...
Well, it's that time of year that we're all celebrating the holidays, and for a lot of us that means being around people we love very much but drive us crazy!
You may be one of those people that gets along with your loved ones perfectly, and if so, good for you! For the rest of us, our fear monsters have a tendency to muddle up the ability for us to communicate with the people we love the...
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