The Art of the Selfie

Mar 28, 2014

Happy Fear Monster Friday!

What is it about that front-facing camera on our phones that just brings out the worst of our insecurities? (Does that happen to your fear monster too? Or is it just George?)

I was never a big fan of the "selfie" until Bradley Cooper and Ellen went and made it all sexy at the Oscars. Since then, I figured, "well maybe I should give it a try."

It's been a battle with George ever since.

I don't really understand it. I'm usually pretty confident. I do stand up comedy (which was terrifying at first), I film myself on video for the class.  But for some reason I just can't stand to take a selfie. 

Fear monsters can pick the funniest things to be self-conscious about, huh? 

What is your fear monster insecure about? I'd love to hear from you in the comments! Let me know.

Wishing you and your fear monsters well! Have a fearless weekend!

Lots of love,


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