Fear Monster Trust Fall!

Apr 04, 2014

Happy Fear Monster Friday!

Does your fear monster have some trust issues? George sure does!

It can be hard to trust people, especially if you've been burned in the past. After having a stalker, I still don't tell people where I live. I realize that's a pretty standard small talk question, "where do you live," but I can't help but answer with a snarky, "At home..." I'm working on it.

The thing is, when your fear monster doesn't let you trust people, that creates all kinds of problems. We run away, we manipulate, we search through phones. (I don't really do that last one, but you know...)

But by NOT trusting, we take away any opportunity for the other person to prove that they are trustworthy. Sure, they might not be, but there's only one way to find out for sure! You've got to trust!

Also keep in mind that we have a tendency to create what we're afraid of. So just like George probably fell right on the floor because of his little "solution" there, we do the same thing when we don't trust. Say, for example, you're in a relationship and your significant other is always interrogating you, trying to figure out if you're cheating.... is that going to make you feel more loyal? Or that maybe you should give them a reason to not trust you? Think about it....

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Lots of love, 


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