Impatience with Enlightenment

Mar 21, 2014

Happy Fear Monster Friday! I hope you and your fear monsters are doing well!

My fear monster, George, had a tough week this week. It was time to pay bills and look at the numbers, and although everything seems fine to ME, George had a meltdown due to the uncertainty of this whole starting my own business thing. It's scary. I get it.

But, I had this moment like, "Wow, I should really know better than to be afraid by now!" That is my job, after all, to help people get past their fear. So I was really mad at myself for not being able to do it myself.

So, guess what happened. Poor George. Being mad at my fear only made it worse.

Especially if you have a regular spiritual/religious practice, it's really easy to get frustrated yourself for not being PERFECT yet, isn't it? And fear gets a bad rap in the spiritual community.

You just have to remember that fear monsters are super sensitive creatures! They just want you to be safe and for nothing bad to ever happen to you! So, it kind of hurts their feelings when you get mad at them for existing. Funny that.

I'd love to hear from you! What shenanegans is your fear monster up to this week? How is your relationship with your fear monster? Let me know in the comments!

Have a wonderful weekend! Lots of love,


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