Missing the Point (Part 1)

Apr 11, 2014

Happy Fear Monster Friday!

Have you ever gotten into one of those mopey moods where everything seems pointless? George does that occasionally. He usually surprises me with these moods too! Like, I think everything is going fine, but he just decides to throw a temper tantrum for no reason.

I've discovered a few tricks though, to get him back on track.

As noted in the comic, the first trick is to just go for a walk or get some exercise. You'd be surprised how much that can settle the fear monster down!

I've also found that when George has a panic attack for no reason, it's often because I haven't been treating my body very well! When my sleep schedule gets all messed up and I'm tired, guess what? That makes it a lot easier for fear monsters to take over!

And a lot of people talk about positive thinking, affirmations, and such things. Those can be helpful as a temporary fix. But sometimes (well, most of the time) when your fear monster gets mopey, there's actually a reason for it. Sometimes it seems like your fear monster is mopey for no reason, but if you dig deep enough, you'll probably find that they actually have a valid point. (Somewhere, deep, deep down!)

If you're feeling mopey and wondering what the point of life is.... I would really encourage you to feel your feelings, if for no other reason than to decide you're tired of feeling that way. Everyone has a different "rock bottom" but when you've found yours, it's only up from there.

I'll have some more tips next week to go along with part 2 of "Missing the point!" So check back then.

Sending you lots of love! Have a great weekend!

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