Manifesting Problems

Feb 21, 2014

Hey everyone! Happy "fear monster Friday!!" Today's comic was inspired in part by my friends over at Whole Soul Lab. They're talking about "manifesting" things, and they're all really awesome people so you should check it out.

Anyway, if you're familiar with "The Secret" or "The Law of Attraction" then you know that much emphasis has been placed on the power of happy thoughts. And that's not a bad thing necessarily, but it's incredibly difficult for fear monsters to wrap their head around how to have those happy thoughts. That's not what fear monsters were made for!

So yes, happy thoughts are important, but I personally believe that if you're trying to force yourself to just think positive, you may be missing something that your other feelings are trying to tell you. 

And there are a couple other factors to consider if you want to manifest a miracle in your life. I like to call this -- wait for it, this is clever -- "do everything you can, and let go of the rest."

First of all, are you sitting around waiting for the Universe to deliver a miracle, or are you doing everything in your power to create it? A lot of times when we want something so badly, the fear monster tends to get in the way of ACTION. So, do something. Do anything! But don't just sit there.

Secondly, I've found in my own experience that the magic really happens when you surrender. There are a lot of things that you can't control. Most things, actually. Anything that isn't under your immediate power to change, let it go. For one thing, you'll drive yourself nuts trying to argue with reality. For another, I believe the Divine sometimes delays a miracle delivery until we're ready to TRUST.

I hope that this is helpful. Sending you all lots of love!


P.S. What would you like to manifest in your life? (Let me know! George and I love comments!)

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