Arguing with Reality

Feb 28, 2014

Happy Fear Monster Friday! Today we're talking about a pesky little thing called "acceptance."

Do you ever find that your fear monster has a hard time accepting what's going on? (We can blame it on the fear monster, why not...) Well, you're not alone!

I'm going to tell on myself a little bit! George and I had a really hard time with acceptance yesterday. I woke up in a panic because I had so much work left to do on the class and still had to finish the comic. I just moved into a new apartment and one of my favorite paintings had fallen off the wall in the middle of the night. Luckily it wasn't damaged when I tripped over it. I checked my email to find that the website wasn't functioning properly. The day was just not going right. At ALL.

This is not to complain, just to show you that we all have shitty days. And that's okay. 

Acceptance is all about allowing yourself to have a shitty day instead of making it worse by telling yourself, "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST BE HAPPY?!?" (Note: I tried that too. It didn't work very well.)

Whatever is going on in your life right now, maybe try giving yourself the loving space to just be however you are. Be happy! Be sad. Be angry. Be afraid. Be grumpy as hell (as I was yesterday)! When you give yourself the room to feel whatever you're feeling, without judging yourself about it, I think you might find that the bad mood (or whatever it is) will start to relax. It's when you try to force yourself to be something different that you run into trouble.

Has anyone else tried this? Have you found it to be true?

I hope that this is helpful. Sending you all lots of love!


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