Why George is a Crappy Valentine

Feb 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day, everyone! I hope it's a great one, whether you have a special Valentine or not.

No matter what your plans are for today, don't forget to love yourself (and your fear monster) too!   I don't know about you, but my fear monster George tends to freak out whenever Valentine's day comes around. I'm usually without a date and he seems to think this means I'm going to be alone forever. Rather than rejoicing in the fact that I'm not settling, he gets all desperate and panicky....

To me, though, it doesn't matter much. I'm very lucky. I am surrounded by lots of people who love me. Romantic or not, I think that all that LOVE is made up of the same stuff!

So if you're in a relationship today, good for you. Love your person! And if not, just share the love with everyone around you (maybe even someone you don't like). Actually, no, that applies to the taken people too. Everybody share all the love with everybody!

Okay? Challenge accepted?

Sending you all lots of love, and candy, and cards, and flowers, and stuff 


P.S. Let me know in the comments how you're going to celebrate this day of love!

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