Handyman George!

Aug 01, 2014

Hi everyone, and happy Fear Monster Friday!

Fear monsters like to fix things. It's in their nature. Sometimes though, they end up trying to fix things that aren't really broken, or they end up breaking things while they're in the process of "fixing" it.

This is especially true when it comes to yourself. We all have things about ourselves that we wish we could "fix," but what if you're exactly who you need to be right now? What if even the things you view as flaws could be your greatest asset? Your "flaws" and "quirks" are what make you unique!

And what if... you don't even need to "fix" your feelings? It can be uncomfortable to feel stuff like sadness, or anger, or anxiety. Yes. But so often we fight against these feelings, and in the process miss the message that our emotions are trying to tell us. And when you miss the message, you miss the lesson.

If you had a friend with a broken heart, there isn't much you can do for them except for to love them, right? Same thing with yourself. You feel whatever you feel. Just love yourself, and I think you'll find that if you can love ALL of you, emotions and all, the emotions will ease up pretty quickly.

I hope this helps! Let me know in the comments, is there something about yourself that you're trying to fix? Are you ready to let go of the need to fix it and just love yourself instead?

Lots of love, 


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