Predicting the Future

Aug 08, 2014

Happy Fear Monster Friday everyone!

I have a little "news flash" for those of you who may not have noticed this yet, but life doesn't always work out the way we expect it to. You have to have dreams for your future, of course! But what happens when the way you envisioned your future doesn't work out? What do you do?

Fear monsters want to give up whenever they get their crystal ball predictions even the tiniest bit wrong. I understand the temptation. Sometimes it's tough to power through that disappointment.

But guess what? Another "news flash" for you -- if you're still breathing, you still have time! Whether it's chasing your dream, finding love, or running a 4-hour marathon, you can choose to keep trying.

And tell your fear monster to throw that crystal ball away, and just enjoy the ride.

Sending you lots of love,


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