Makin' it Rain, Maybe?

Jul 25, 2014

Hi everyone, and happy Fear Monster Friday!

George and I have a big announcement today! I've decided to focus on the comics, and I'm going to start drawing the comics daily, starting in September!!

And you can help! You see, drawing the comics every day is going to be a full time job, and since I'm not one of those lucky people who are independently wealthy, I could use some help in the whole paying the bills department. (Despite what he thinks, George does not actually "make it rain.")

So anyway, the comic today is more or less the conversation that George and I had about this particular decision. You see, in my experience, I've found that when you make a decision to follow your heart, there's this weird sort of peace that comes along with it. (AFTER you make the decision. The process leading up to the decision is, of course, absolutely terrifying.) And when you make a decision and feel at peace about it, that's how you know it's the right one!

At the same time, when you're used to being afraid all the time, the absence of fear. . . well that can be pretty scary too. That's actually the thought I had: "Well crap, now I'm worried that I'm not worried." How silly, right? (Just go with it, Jillian! Enjoy the peace while it lasts!)

Have you ever experienced that weird sort of peace about a crazy decision? Did it freak you out too? Let me know in the comments!

Lots of love,


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