Fear Monster Mind Tricks

Mar 07, 2014

Happy Fear Monster Friday! I hope you're all doing wonderfully! 

Today, we're talking about "fear monster mind tricks," that is, all the ways your fear monster can trick you out of doing something, without it being super obvious that it's your fear monster in action.

George has gotten really good at this, so I'll share some of the tricks he's used on me!

1. Procrastination. I want to explain how this works but I think I'll do it later.

Ha! Just kidding! Whenever there's something that I know I should be doing to make my life better, George has a tendency to get me to procrastinate. For some reason when there's something that we really want, your fear monster doesn't want you to do it. Mine has gotten clever about it even, and has invented this thing we call "constructive procrastination." That is, I'll work on something and feel really good about myself, but it's not the thing I'm supposed to be doing.

2. Distraction. Sort of along the same lines as procrastination but a little different. Your fear monster will try to distract you from what's really important with drama, marathons of "House of Cards" on Netflix, and so on.

3. The old, "you're not really that miserable" ploy. This one is pesky because it disguises itself as optimism. You can be totally unhappy with your life, but you look at how some people have it worse, and think, well, it's not so bad. CLASSIC fear monster mind trick.

It's good to be grateful for what you have, don't get me wrong. But when you talk yourself out of making the change you know you need to make because "well, it could be worse," you're selling yourself short. 

You deserve a life full of love, laughter, abundance, and joy. You deserve to be so happy rainbows and unicorns come flying out of your ears. You do. Everybody does.

But if your fear monster is standing in your way, it's probably not going to happen! That's why me and George are here to help.

If you're ready to make that change, be sure to check out the first week of "how to train your fear of change monster." (And then, if you like it, sign up for the rest of the class too.)

Have a wonderful, blissful weekend everyone. I'm sending you all so much love and a big hug!


P.S. I'd love to hear from you! Does your fear monster have any special mind tricks? Let me know in the comments!

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