It's Okay to be Hurt!

Sep 05, 2014

Happy Fear Monster Friday everyone!

Have you ever tried to talk yourself out of feeling something because it was uncomfortable? There are a lot of emotions that we think about as "negative" such as hurt, sadness, anger, jealousy, frustration, and so on.

Now, I don't know who did it, but somebody started a rumor that if you're "spiritual enough" or "a good Christian" (or whatever label you want to apply to yourself), then you're not allowed to feel any of these so-called negative emotions. Well, whoever started that rumor is dead wrong! (She said, angrily! Ha!) 

All of your emotions, the good and the bad, are there for a reason. Perhaps it's an indicator that there's an old wound you need to heal, someone you need to forgive, or something to let go of. And you know, sometimes negative emotions can help you make important life decisions! When you know what you definitely do NOT want, that makes it a lot easier to narrow the options down to what you do want, right?

So, this week, allow yourself to feel all of the uncomfortable, "negative" emotions, and see what they have to say to you.

You're allowed to feel however you feel. It's okay if it hurts. You're allowed to hurt. Feeling it, and if necessary asking for help, are not a sign of weakness. It takes incredible strength, actually, to be vulnerable enough to admit how you really feel.

Sending you TONS of love!


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