Hypnotic Suggestion

Aug 29, 2014

Happy Fear Monster Friday everyone!

Have you ever had one of those days when you felt more out of sorts than usual? Maybe sometimes it even feels like your fear monster has taken over your body! (Pesky little creatures, sometimes, aren't they?)

Well, there are certain things that fear monsters like to take advantage of. When you're tired, or hungry, or "hangry," or maybe even hungover -- your defenses against fear monster body possession are drastically weakened.

Most people don't fully realize the effect that taking care of yourself can have on your mental state. There most definitely is a mind-body connection. I've heard a lot of people in the personal growth space talk about how your mind affects your body, but remember, it works in both directions!

So, I would encourage you this week to think about how well you're taking care of your body. How well are you eating? How much water are you getting? Are you getting enough sleep? Enough exercise?

In the comments below, let me know what change you're going to make to strengthen your body -- and therefore your defenses against fear monster body possession!

Sending you lots of love,


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